Price and Time Squaring Drives Price Action In All Financial Markets, Stay Here I'll Prove It To You
Do you want to know what is really driving these markets? Check out this chart. Most people don’t know this but the top of the NASDAQ happened last year on November 22. That didn’t mean anything until you start connecting the dots. How many realized that from the low back in March 2009, the decade long rally finally peaked in 664 weeks? By itself, that’s not important either until you come to realize the bottom in the NASDAQ was 1265.
DO YOU GET IT? This is how price and time squaring works. It has led to everything else we’ve done from daily/weekly/monthly charts all the way down to a 1 minute. So this was a methodology the great WD Gann used 100 years ago as he was the guy who gets the credit for price and time squaring. Here’s what he said. When price and time square out, the pattern changes direction. In the past 7 years, I’ve taken this to a new level that Gann never experienced. Its not because he couldn’t, the intraday technology didn’t exist yet. I believe what I’m going to show you in these pages is exactly what Gann would’ve been doing had he been alive in this era. I’m also going to introduce the Gann calendar in other posts, this is a tool where each day of the year has a different vibration starting March 22 each year and completing a 360dg circle. This tool is great for position and swing traders as well as anyone who wants to navigate the overall markets. The particular vibration of that day integrates well into the price action.
This was the setup PRIOR to the action at Jackson Hole or the big inflation drop on September 13, 2022. As you can see, the NASDAQ did peak at 664 weeks (all the way on the upper left) and the first drop was 144 days down into the June low. From there it rallied to August 16 which was the 144dg vibrational day for the year. The Gann calendar is based on the earth’s orbit and is a very effective tool for navigating these rough markets. This is the introduction, there is more to come and thank you for checking it out.